Valhalla: Viking "Super Soldier Serum"?
Dan Carlin explores the concept of Valhalla and how it may have aided the Vikings in battle.
Greetings, my loyal hirð!
Today, I have a fun one for you. It’s an excerpt from a longer episode my co-host Terri and I recorded for the Vikingology Podcast ( Here we have Dan Carlin of Hardcore History likening the concept of Valhalla to a Captain America-esque “Super Soldier Serum” that may have bolstered the Vikings’ ferocity in battle.
What I love about our conversation with Dan Carlin is how out-of-the-box he thinks about history, taking us from our focus, the Vikings, and drawing plausible parallels with other peoples and time periods, creating what he calls “continuity.” Thinking about history in such broad terms, I believe, helps the layman understand the context and significance of historical times and places in a manner historians—who tend to be narrowly focused—miss.
If you enjoyed the clip, be sure to check out the full episode at: